Unity Education Trust's
City International School Kothrud
Appendix IX
Pre-Primary Planner
Primary & Secondary Planner
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Appendix IX
Pre - Primary
Middle Level
Pre - Primary
Middle Level
Fee Details
TC Format
Online Admission Form
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English Language Assessment Programme
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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked
FAQ 10
General Questions
Where should a parent go for his queries or grievances?
Through the PTA member of the class elected each year.
How do the parents get the updates or happenings in the school?
By checking announcements and notices given on parents tab on the website of the school.
What is the easiest way of communication?
The easiest way to communicate is through the almanac by writing a note to the respective teacher.
Is the school co-educational?
Yes. The school admits boys and girls from Nursery to Class X.
What is the teacher/student ratio?
The ratio is 1:40.
Is the school affiliated to any educational body in India or overseas?
The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi.
What about the academic performance of the school students?
The school has consistently achieved 100% results in the Board exams conducted by the CBSE.
How is the teaching faculty selected?
Appropriate educational qualifications, relevant experience, and a rigorous interview process are the selection criteria.
Does the school provide additional classes/tuition for students who need help with academics?
Yes for grades 1 to 5.
How are students of Class X prepared for the school leaving exams?
Class X students are provided all possible assistance by the staff.
What is the easiest way of communication?
The easiest way to communicate is through the almanac by writing a note to the respective teacher.
What is the easiest way of communication?
The easiest way to communicate is through the almanac by writing a note to the respective teacher.
Admission procedure
What is the admission procedure?
Please check our website
the month of December and fill the online application form
What is the fee structure?
Fee is payable in 2 installments. Check the school office for details.
What is the fee policy for the students of parent’s transferrable job?
Fee Policy is set by the Management and it is mandatory that every parent follow the same. Contact school office in case of a query regarding fee policy of the school.
What is the normal strength of the class?
There are normally 40 children in each class.
Is the school having playground?
Yes. The school is having a play ground.
Are there any extracurricular activities in the school?
Yes, many extracurricular activities are conducted in the school. There are 13 activities in the creative category and 9 in the sports category called as CCA activities.
What is the procedure for Transfer certificate?
Parents should fill the prescribed format available in school and submit in the school office.
What is the procedure to get bonafide certificate?
Parents should fill the prescribed format available in school and submit in the school office.
What is the third language?
Marathi is the compulsory 3rd language till 5th Grade. For grades 6th to 8th, students learn German or Sanskrit.
Where do I get text books and note books?
Books are available at the prescribed shop of the school.
Can we use the old notebooks?
Old notebooks can be used if they are unused.
When are the Grammar periods for English and Hindi?
The Grammar periods for English and Hindi are usually the block periods in the time table.
Is it necessary to buy all the books?
It is necessary to buy all the books set for the class.
When do I get the books for the next year?
The sale dates will be informed well in advance to all students
What are the days for PT uniform?
The PT uniform should be worn on both CCA days and MPT day.
Can grades 1 to 5 wear full pants?
Full pants are allowed only during winters i. e. November to January.
Can girls wear full slacks?
Girls can wear brown full slacks only during winters i. e. November to January.
Can students wear sports shoes on CCA days?
Students can carry sports shoes in a carry bag and change before the CCA sports period.
Is the uniform available anytime during the year?
Yes, it is available during the whole year in the prescribed shop of the school.
Which uniform should be worn during exams?
There is no change in uniform in FAs, regular school uniform to be worn for SAs.
If my child wears a PT uniform on a regular uniform day, is it improper uniform?
Yes, it is.
What if my child forgets his almanac at home?
Parents will be called and asked to submit the almanac in the reception area.
What if I forget to give tiffin or the child forgets his tiffin at home?
In between school hours sending tiffin is not allowed. Students share their tiffin or school provides dry snacks like biscuits.
Are sanitizers allowed in school?
No. Students keep playing with it. A soap is kept to wash hands in the washroom.
How is the cleanliness and hygiene of school toilets?
The wash rooms are cleaned every hour, the cleaning is done by a separate department altogether.
Why do we have to send extra set of clothes when my child is toilet trained?
It is not only for toilet trained kids; they might spill water by accident or vomit if unwell. So it is good to send an extra set of clothes.
Is it compulsory to follow the food chart?
Yes. It is because the chart is a well balanced diet designed for the growing kids.
What is the procedure for a long leave?
Parents need to submit a written application addressing to Principal mentioning the reason.
What about the vacations and personal leaves?
As all holidays and long vacations are already mentioned in the planner which is in the almanac, parents are requested to avoid their vacations in working school days.
What if my child misses a lot of academics due to illness or long leave?
Contact the class facilitator with a prior appointment and get the details of missed academics.
How will we come to know about the rules and events of the school?
Kindly go through the event planner and rules given in the almanac.
How to get rhymes which are not mentioned in the rhymes book?
Parents need not worry as it will be taken care by the school.
Primary & Secondary Co-curricular Activities (CCA)
What is CCA?
CCA means Co-Curricular Activities.
How is this implemented in school?
The student from grade 2 onwards chooses 1 activity from the 13 Creative categories and 1 from the 9 sports categories available. The student is sent to that activity for an hour in a week.
What are the activities?
You can visit the school office and get the details.
What about Grade 1 student activities?
Since Grade 1 students are too small to play any sport activity, they are made to do these activites in the class itself, but they go for creative category.
Can I change my activity?
Once chosen, the activity cannot be changed next four years.
How long should the same activity be continued?
The activity taken should be continued for 4 years.
What do the students learn in these activities?
A well designed curriculum is set for each level.
What to bring for the activity?
Most of the material is provided by the school.
Should a note book be maintained?
Yes, if asked to.
Will there be a display of the creative activity learnt?
Yes, for creative there will be a display and for sports it will be sports week on alternate years.
Are there any specific number of days a child should attend during the academic year?
It is expected from your ward to attend all the working days of the school except for any unavoidable situation.However, 75% attendance is compulsory.
Is it mandatory to attend the school on the first and the last working day of vacation?
Yes, the child is expected to be present on the first and the last working day of vacation.
Is it required to intimate the school if the ward is going out of station for more than 3 working days of school?
Yes, it should be a pre-approved leave. In case of emergency, they can send an email to the school.
Is it necessary to give a written note in the almanac if the child is absent for 1 or 2 days?
Yes, write a leave note in the almanac mentioning the reason of their ward’s absenteeism.
Do I need a doctor’s note to verify an absence for illness?
A doctor’s note helps to verify an absence and shall be required if excessive absences due to illness have previously occurred..
What happens if my child misses school due to a family trip?
The school does not support the practice of taking trips/vacations on school days
Why do I have to report my child’s absence?
According to the school’s rule if the reason for the ward’s absenteeism is known your child will be given the opportunity to complete assignments given during the period of absence.
Can I pick my child after the exam as he is unwell?
Yes, if it is mentioned in the almanac, with Principal’s permission.
Will the student be permitted to leave early due to other commitments?
The student will never be permitted to leave early what so ever, unless some emergency.
If the student needs to attend the ritual or religious function, will he be permitted to leave early?
If there is no exam, the child can avail leave, but will not be sent early once he is in school.
Can I be permitted to leave early/come late for few days for any particular coaching or exam?
Yes, if permission is granted by the Principal.
Is there a fixed time of the week when the parents can meet the staff and faculty without prior appointment?
No, unless emergency, meeting without prior appointment is not entertained.
Do I need to take a prior appointment to meet the staff and faculty of school?
Yes, an appointment slip will be given which is compulsory to bring while coming to meet to show at the entrance.
How do parents get an appointment of a Teacher, Coordinator or Principal?
Parents can write a note in their wards almanac mentioning the person to meet and the purpose of meeting or Call the school office for Principal’s appointment
Examinations & Results
How to know the schedule of exams?
It is mentioned in the planner.
Can the exams be pre-poned or postponed?
Sometimes, when it is unavoidable.
Can the student avail leave during written exams?
No, unless emergency with permission.
Will there be a retest if absent for the exam?
No, written exam what so ever, he will be assessed in other ways.
Can I take my child after the exam?
Only if it is mentioned in the almanac and that too for FAs.
Is it a regular school after the quarterly exams?
Regular periods continue after the written exam.
How important is writing the revision?
Revision is for the student, so even learning or knowing them will be beneficial.
When are the results declared?
On the immediate Open-House mentioned in the almanac.
Can somebody apart from parents pick up the result?
Under unavoidable circumstances, with an authorization letter from parents, another person can.
Will I get to see the answer papers?
For Quarterly and Half yearly exams you will get to see the answer papers during the Open House.
Will there be normal school during Open House?
Parents meet the facilitators, so children can accompany their parents. No school unless mentioned.
Should the children come in uniform during Open House?
Yes. Anytime during school hours, the child should be in uniform only.
Can I change the time slot of my ward for the Open House?
Preferably No.
When will the student get the time table and portion of the exams?
The time table and portion will be given 1 week before for Quarterly and 2 weeks before the half yearly and annual exams.